March 7th
2019, Thursday ASPAC
Executive Board meeting、concurrent meeting X 3 第一天 2019.03.07 星 期四 亞太理事會、區總會長會議、候任區總會長會議、國家 地區會議 |
(Attire) & Remarks |
1.1 | 9:00am–3:00pm | ASPAC Executive Board Meeting (by
invitation) 亞太常務理事會 (see separate list of invitees and agenda) (限 受邀者) |
Business) 台北國際會議中心401 (服裝: 商務正式) |
1.2 | 12 noon–5:00pm | Registration外國貴賓開放報到 & 註冊 (All Kiwanians & Guests所有同濟會員及來賓) |
TICC 1F South 台北國際會議中心1樓 |
1.3 | 12 noon–5:00pm | “Best Service Project” Report to be
submitted by Districts, Provisional Districts and Kiwanis
Nations at Convention Secretariat. “ 最 佳社服比賽” 的報告須送交大會秘書處 |
TICC 105
台北國際會議中心105 |
1.3a |
12:30pm–1:30pm |
Lunch for ASPAC
Executive Board members and partners (by invitation letter)
亞 太常務理事及配偶午餐 (限受邀者) |
2F Jade (Attire: Smart) 2樓翠庭 服裝: 半正式 |
1.4 | 3:30pm–5:30pm | District Governors Meeting with International President (by invitation) (concurrent meeting) 總會長與世界總會長會 議(限 受邀者) (共同會議) |
TICC 401 (Attire: Business) TICC 401服裝:商務正式 |
1.5 | 3:30pm–5:30pm | Governors-elect Meeting with International President‐elect (by
invitation)concurrent meeting 候任總會長與候任世界總會長會議 (共同會議) |
TICC 201D (Attire: Business) TICC201D服裝商務正式 |
1.6 | 3:30pm–5:30pm | Kiwanis Nations Workshop with Stan Soderstrom
& ASPAC Vice Chair (by invitation)
同濟國家與KI執行長和副亞太主席會議 (共同) (for members of non-districted clubs, see separate list of invitees and agenda. concurrent meeting) (限於不分區同濟國家之分會會員,如受邀名單) |
TICC 201F (Attire: Business wear) 台北國際會議中心201F (服裝: 商務正式) |
1.7 |
6:00pm–8:00pm |
Dinner for
ASPAC Executive Board members and
partners (by invitation letter/tickets)
亞太常務理事及配偶晚 餐 (限 受邀者) |
2F Jade (Attire: Smart) 2樓翠庭 服裝: 半正式 |
March 8th 2019, Friday –
Grand Opening Ceremony
& General Business
Session 1 第二天 2019.03.08 星 期五 開幕式&會員大會(一)、歡迎餐會 |
(All events are Open to Registered Kiwanians and Registered Guests;unless otherwise stated) (所有項目全開放給會員和來賓,除另外聲明) |
(Attire) & Remarks |
2.1a |
8:00am-12:00am |
Exhibits to be put
up by Districts and Exhibitors at 1F North各區總會佈置展覽品 |
1F North |
2.1 | 9:00am–5:00pm | Registration
(All Kiwanians
& Guests) 開放報到 & 註冊 (所有同濟會員及來賓) |
台北國際會議中心1樓 |
2.2 | 2:00pm–5:30pm | Grand Opening Ceremony 1. March in to the Main Hall入席 2. National Anthems (The Republic of China & Philippine & Australia)唱國歌:中華民國、菲律 賓、澳洲 3. Kiwanis Objects and statement 朗讀國際同濟會信條及定義 宣言 4. Recognition of Kiwanians and Guests 6 ppls (by Master of Ceremony) 同濟會員和來賓致意 5. Welcome Address by Convention Organizing Chair (3 mins) 籌備會主委致歡迎詞 & Governor of Taiwan District 總會長歡迎詞 6. Address by ASPAC Chair(3mins) 亞太主席致詞 7. Address by Kiwanis International President (5 mins) 世界總會長致詞 8. Remarks by Kiwanis Children’s Fund President (5 mins) 世界總會兒童基金會董事長 致詞 General Business Session 1 會員大會 第一階段 (including Report by District Governors, Provisional District Chairs and Kiwanis Nations Representatives) (含區總會長、臨時區總會主席、同濟國家代表報告) 1. 44th ASPAC Convention called to order by ASPAC Chair. 宣 布開會 ◎ Confirmation of Quorum確認法定人數 ◎ Recognition of Kiwanians and Guests 同濟會員和來賓致意 2. Opening Address by ASPAC Chair(5 mins) 亞太主席致詞 3. Report by Secretary/Treasurer 秘書暨財務長報告 ◎ Clubs & Membership in ASPAC, and Voting Entitlements 亞太同濟會分會和會員數與選舉人人數 ◎ Candidates giving written notice of candidacy 候選人給予書面候選資料 4. Announcement of Appointments 會員大會工作佈達 亞太會務報告 5. Approval of Standing Rules for the House of Delegates 通過會員大會議事規則 6. Review of Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance 檢閱議事程序 確認通過議程 7. Approval of Changes in Official Convention Program (if any) 通過議程 (若臨時有變更) 8. Report by District Governors, Provisional District Chairs and Kiwanis Nations Representatives (10 mins each). 各區總會、臨時區總會與不分區國家代表報告 Best District Report Contest.最佳區報告比賽 9. Remarks by Kiwanis International President (5 mins ) 世 界總會長致詞 |
Plenary Hall (Attire: Business or Kiwanis logo wear) 台北國際會議中心4樓大會堂 (服裝: 商務正式服裝或有同濟標誌的) |
2.3 | 4:00pm–5:00pm | Judging of
Best District Exhibit,
Best Service Project, Best District Report,
Best Kiwanis Nation Report. 最 佳區展覽獎、最佳社服獎、最佳區總會報告獎、最佳同濟國家報告獎之評審。 |
Plenary Hall 台北國際會議中心4樓大會堂 |
2.4 | 6:00pm–8:00pm | Welcome Dinner 歡迎晚宴 (Registered member only限年會註冊者) |
3F Banquet Hall 台 灣註冊會員分配六處 (Attire: Business or Kiwanis logo wear) (服裝: 商務正式服裝或有同濟標誌的) |
March 9th 2019, Saturday
–General Business Session 2
& Closing Ceremony 第三天 2018.03.09 星 期六 會員大會(二)&閉幕式、亞太理事會、惜別餐會 |
3.1 | 8:00am–3:00pm | Exhibits by
Districts and Exhibitors 各區總會佈置展覽。 |
TICC 1F North TICC 1樓北側 |
3.2 | 8:00am–4:30pm | General Business Session 2 &
Closing Ceremony
會員大會 第二階段 (Including Nominations and Election of 2019-20 ASPAC Officers) (包含2019-20亞太會職人員選舉) 1. Call to Order by ASPAC Chair宣布開會 2. Confirmation of Quorum確認法定人數 3. Report of Voting Entitlements by Secretary / Treasurer 秘書暨財務長報告選舉人人數 4. Proposed Amendments to the ASPAC Bylaws 亞太章程修正案討論 5. Proposed Resolutions (if any) 臨時提案 6. Remarks by Kiwanis International European Federation President (3 mins) 歐洲聯盟總會長致詞 7. Remark by Kiwanis International President-elect ( 3 mins) 候任世界總會長致詞 8. Coffee Break at 10:00am 中場休息 9. Nominations and Election of 2019-2020 ASPAC officers and 2019-2022 International Trustee conducted by Committee on Elections: 提名與選舉 2019-2020亞太區會職人員和2019-2022國際理事 10. Kiwanis Nation Representatives ( 3 positions) 亞太不分區國家代表(3位) 11. ASPAC Vice Chair亞太副主席 12. ASPAC Chair-elect候任亞太主席 13. ASPAC Chair亞太主席 14. International Trustee 2019-2022國 際理事 15. Announcement of Results of Election宣 布選舉結果 16. Maiden Address by 2019-2020 ASPAC Chair (3 mins) 2019-2020亞 太主席致詞 17. Lunch at 12 noon 午餐 18. Report by Kiwanis Nation Representatives (4 mins each) 不 分區國家代表報告 Best Kiwanis Nation Report Contest最 佳區報告比賽 19. Bidding for the 2022 ASPAC Convention 開放2022年第47屆亞太年會 主辦權 20. Presentation of the 2019 International Convention in Florida, USA ( 5 mins)介紹2019年世界年會 21. Presentation of the 2020 ASPAC Convention ( 5 mins)介紹2020年亞太年會 22. Announcements and Adjournment 其他事項宣布 / 閉會 Closing Ceremony 1. Address by ASPAC Chair ( 3 mins ) 亞太主席致詞 2. Introduction of ASPAC Executive Board 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, and International Trustee 2019-2022 介紹2018-2019和2019-2020亞太理事會與2019- 2022國際理事 3. Song/Dance Presentation by Districts and Nations (5 mins each)各國表演節目 4. Closing Remarks by Convention Organizing Chair ( 3 mins ) 籌備主委致閉幕詞 6. Awards for Best District/Nation Report, Best Service Project, Best District Exhibit, and Best Presentation. 頒獎 5. Handing over of ASPAC Convention Flag to 2020 Convention Organizing Chair亞太年會旗交接 7. Adjournment宣布閉幕 |
Plenary Hall (Attire: Kiwanis logo wear or Business Casual) 台北國際會議中心4樓大會堂(服裝: 商務正式服裝或有同濟標誌的) |
3.2a | 12:00‐1:00pm | Lunch
午餐 (Registered member only限年會註冊者) |
3F Banquet Hall 台 灣註冊會員分配六處 |
3.3 | 4:30pm–5:30pm | Joint Meeting of the ASPAC Executive Board
2018‐19 & 2019‐20 (by invitation) (see separate list of attendees and agenda) 亞太聯合常務理事會 (2018-19 & 2019-20理事) (與會者及議程另列) |
TICC 401
(Attire: Kiwanis logo wear or Business Casual) 台北國際會議中心401 (服裝: 商務正式) |
3.4 | 3:00pm–5:00pm | Exhibits to
be taken down by Districts
and Exhibitors 展覽攤位拆除 |
TICC 1F North TICC 1樓北側 |
3.5 | 6:00pm-8:00pm |
Farewell Dinner 惜別餐會 (Registered member only限年會註冊者) |
3F Banquet Hall 台 灣註冊會員分配六處 (Attire: Smart or National Costume)服 裝:國家特色 |